Wednesday, January 22, 2025
HomeAlgorithmsHackLand Election - Coding Interview Questions #1

HackLand Election – Coding Interview Questions #1


This series will be focused on Coding interview questions curated from various interviews / via online source.


Hackland Election

There are n citizens voting in this year’s Hackland election. Each voter writes the name of their chosen candidate on a ballot and places it in a ballot box. The candidate with the highes number of votes win the election; if two or more candidates have the same number of votes, then the tied candidates’ names are ordered alphabetically and the last name wins.

Complete the election Winner function in your editor. It has 1 parameter:L an array of strings, votes, describing the votes in the ballot box. This function must review these votes and return a string representing the name of the winning candidate.


  • 1<= n <= 10^4

Input Format An array of Strings

Output Format Name of the person who has the max votes. If there are multiple people with same number of votes(max) then print the last name of the list arranged in dictionary order.

Input Example:









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Coding Approach for Hackland Election Problem

Here is the output using Kotlin Programming Language. Here I am using Collection Framework’s HashMap with the approach of storing key value pairs with new key addition for every new word and incrementing the value for every repeated word:

package main.interview.hacklandelection
import com.sun.xml.internal.fastinfoset.util.StringArray
import java.util.*
fun main() {
val list = StringArray()
var iter = readLine()!!.toInt()
while(iter– > 0) {
fun electionWinner(list: StringArray) {
var winner = ""
var max = 0
val hashMap = HashMap<String, Int>()
for (i in 0 until list.size) {
if (hashMap.containsKey(list[i])) {
hashMap[list[i]] = hashMap.getValue(list[i])+1
} else {
hashMap[list[i]] = 0
for (entry in hashMap.entries) {
if(entry.value > max) {
max = entry.value
winner = entry.key
} else if(entry.value == max) {
winner = if(entry.key > winner) entry.key else winner

Hope it will be helpful to you guys for your interview preparation. Feel free to suggest modifications if any.  Contact us here if you want to share your interview questions with fellow developers.



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