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HomeAlgorithmsLinked List Deletion - Linked List Tutorial Series #3

Linked List Deletion – Linked List Tutorial Series #3


In this article, we will discuss about linked list deletion. We will see how to delete a node in a Singly linked list.

This article will be continuation of our Linked List tutorial series. You can navigate to other parts from here:

Agenda of this article

By the end of this article, you shall be able to delete a node at any position of a linked list.

Linked List Deletion

We may be asked to delete a node in a linked list at three different places:

  1. delete the first node
  2. delete the last node
  3. delete the node at a given position

Let us discuss one-by-one along with the coding examples.

1. Delete the first node
  1. Create a temp pointer that points to the same node as Head.
  2. Move head pointer to the next node and dispose the temp.

In python the temp will be garbage collected when it doesn’t have any reference.

Here’s the code to delete a node at start:

def delete_at_start(head):
# edge case: return if head is null
if not head:
return None
head = head.next # moving head to next node
return head

2. Delete the Last Node
  1. Traverse the list while maintaining previous node’s address also.
  2. After reaching the end of the list we will have two pointers -> one pointing to tail node, other pointing to the node before tail node.
  3. Update previous node’s next pointer to null
  4. Dispose the tail node.

Here’s the code to delete a node at end:

def delete_at_end(head):
if not head:
return None
prev_node = head
while prev_node.next.next:
prev_node = prev_node.next
prev_node.next = None
return head

3. Deleting a node at a given position
  1. Maintain previous node and the node to be deleted.
  2. Once we find the node to be deleted, point the previous node’s pointer to the next pointer of the node to be deleted.
  3. Dispose the current node to be deleted.

Here’s the code to delete a node at a given position:

def delete_at_pos(head, position):
if not head:
return None
if position is 0:
return head.next
prev_node = head
curr_node = head.next
current_pos = 1
while curr_node and current_pos < position:
current_pos += 1
prev_node = prev_node.next
curr_node = curr_node.next
prev_node.next = curr_node.next
return head

Now let us see the executable code of deletion of Linked list where we can call all the three functions discussed above.

class Node:
def __init__(self, data=None):
self.data = data
self.next = None
Deleting a node at start.
def delete_at_start(head):
# edge case: return if head is null
if not head:
return None
head = head.next # moving head to next node
return head
Deleting a node at end.
def delete_at_end(head):
# edge case
if not head:
return None
prev_node = head
# traversing until current node's next is null
while prev_node.next.next:
prev_node = prev_node.next
# deleting the reference of previous node's next
prev_node.next = None
return head
def delete_at_pos(head, position):
# edge case
if not head:
return None
if position is 0:
return head.next
# maintaining previous and current nodes
prev_node = head
curr_node = head.next
current_pos = 1
while curr_node and current_pos < position:
current_pos += 1
prev_node = prev_node.next
curr_node = curr_node.next
prev_node.next = curr_node.next
return head
def insert(head, data):
if not head:
return Node(data)
temp = Node(data)
temp.next = head
head = temp
return head
if __name__ == '__main__':
# start with empty list
head = None
head = insert(head, 5)
head = insert(head, 4)
head = insert(head, 3)
head = insert(head, 2)
head = insert(head, 1)
# delete at a given position
head = delete_at_pos(head, 2)
# deleting a node at start
head = delete_at_start(head)
# deleting a node at end
head = delete_at_end(head)
while head:
print("{}".format(head.data), end=" ")
head = head.next

Time Complexity

Time complexity for deleting a Node is O(n) where n is the length of linked list, as worst case might be last of the node to be deleted and we need to traversing the entire list.

Space Complexity

Space complexity – O(1) for a temp variable.


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